Urban spatial structure
Low-environmental-impact city
Appropriate occupational and residential space
compact urban sparial structure
Transit-oriented development
Long-term density planning
International Comparison of Urban Structures

Risk analysis
Disaster - accident evacuation
Emergency & medical services
Crime & safety systems
Social infrastructure maintenance and management
Urban growth management
The uncertainty of planning and project

Network analysis
The distribution of travel distance and time
Flow volume distribution
Base relay facility layout
Optimal transportation network design
Network development level
Hierarchical transportation system

Location Model
Location Theory
Optimal Facility Location Model
Discrete/Continuous Models
Multiple-Connected Facility Layout
Facility integrated problem

Complex Systems
Cellular automata
Multi-agent system
Urban spatial growth model
Appropriate land use distribution
Population movement model
Spatial optimization technology

"Urban engineering, unlike other engineering disciplines, does not necessarily have established foundational theories. The fundamental challenge of urban construction lies in determining what to build where, in other words, making various spatial decisions. The space where human activities unfold can be seen as a 2.5-dimensional space, comprising the surface, its slight upper layer, and the underground. In the Urban Space Analysis Laboratory, our research begins with understanding the fundamental characteristics of such spaces, and then extends to the development and enhancement of theories such as location theory, optimal allocation theory, optimal urban form theory, traffic flow and transportation network theory, and more recently, research on planning theories and techniques considering risk concepts. Naturally, to continually verify if such theoretical research correctly grasps the essence of cities, we meticulously investigate and analyze real cities. Our laboratory seeks individuals who resonate to some extent with building the foundational theories of urban engineering and pursuing theories for spatial decision-making. Whether you are someone intending to study at the university level, aspiring to pioneer in new fields as a graduate student, or seeking to acquire foundational theories as a professional, feel free to visit our laboratory (email here) without hesitation. Members of the Urban Space Analysis Laboratory are undergraduate students majoring in Urban Planning in the Faculty of Engineering and graduate students in the Risk and Resilience Engineering degree program of the Faculty of Science and Engineering. For graduate school, there are general entrance examinations held in August (and in the following January and February), as well as admission through recommendation (System Information Engineering Group in July). For detailed information on admissions, please refer to the respective department or research group's page."

Location Image

1. Location and layout of urban facilities
and optimization of services

  • Classical location theory and location theory and facility placement models
  • Application of discrete type location model based on p-median problem and p-center problem
  • Continuous type location model with application of Voronoi diagram as facility use area
  • Declining birthrate and school consolidation problem
  • Change in optimal facility location due to complex facilities
  • Theoretical relationship between demand density and facility density
  • Influence of users' multi-purpose touring behavior on the optimal facility layout
  • Improvement of firefighting and emergency medical service level

2. optimization of transportation systems

  • Optimal collection and delivery route and location of hub relay points
  • Network design problem
  • Hierarchical transport system design and transport efficiency
  • Development of continuous models of hub-and-spoke systems
  • The relationship between the flow amount and the appropriate level of network maintenance
  • Distribution of travel distance and travel time in cities with transportation network
  • Effect of transportation network on metric space
  • Optimal route system pattern
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Location Image

3. Elucidation of the nature of urban space and
desirable urban spatial structure

  • Land use arrangement planning in a dispersed concentrated city
  • Urban structure and choice of place of residence, place of work, and commuting behavior
  • Optimal urban structure of 3D urban space and utility of underground space
  • Theoretical modeling of residential distribution structure and commuting/business traffic
  • Work-residential distribution structure, work-residential balance, and excessive commuting to minimize traffic volume
    (excess commuting)

4. Energy saving, resource saving, low environmental impact, and
elucidation of sustainable cities

  • Planning and Design of Very Long-Term Urban Spatial Structures in Response to the Resource and Energy Crisis
  • Density planning and the sustainability of compact cities and rural cities (garden cities)
  • Multipole decentralized compact city as a sustainable urban form and the role of public transportation
  • Clarification of the relationship between lifestyle culture and energy consumption
  • Potential of energy-saving cities using natural energy
  • Urbanization in developing countries and measures to reduce energy and resource consumption
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Location Image

5. Urban risk analysis and assessment

  • Classical location theory and location theory and facility placement models
  • Application of discrete type location model based on p-median problem and p-center problem
  • Continuous type location model with application of Voronoi diagram as facility use area
  • Declining birthrate and school consolidation problem
  • Change in optimal facility location due to complex facilities
  • Theoretical relationship between demand density and facility density
  • Influence of users' multi-purpose touring behavior on the optimal facility layout
  • Improvement of firefighting and emergency medical service level