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リスク工学専攻 2022年度(令和4年度)博士学位論文

氏名 題目 指導教員
長田 元気 A Study on Application of Latent Space Model to Cyber Security
西出 隆志
武田 友宏 Study on Software Testing by Source Code Analysis Techniques
津田 和彦
Andrijanto A Study on Traffic Safety Culture by Introducing a Reciprocal Safety Culture Model in Motorcyclist Safe Driving
伊藤 誠
幸田 茂樹 Stock Market Analysis and Price Forecast
吉田 健一
青嶋 智久 クラウドコンピューティングにおけるコスト推定アプローチ
(Cost Estimation Approach in Cloud Computing)
吉田 健一
鄭 万嘉 A Study on Attacks against Machine Learning-based Malware Detection Systems and their Countermeasures
面 和成
浅沼 直樹 Research on measures to promote residents' participation in risk communication for nuclear disaster prevention
梅本 通孝
立花 伸一 A Study on Intention Understanding of Taste Expressions Using Text Mining
岡島 敬一
土田 光 Maliciously Secure Multiparty Computation Protocols and Its Applications
西出 隆志
水井 良暢 Research on estimation of house cleanup work volume and improvement of work capacity during disasters based on hazard and risk information - Analysis of resource balance and shortfalls between mutual aid and self-help -
(ハザード・リスク情報に基づいた災害時の家屋片付け作業量の推計と作業余力量向上に向けた研究 ?共助と自助のリソースバランスと不足量の分析?)
藤原 広行
ABDULRAHMAN JOUBI Techno-economic study for the potential of large-scale solar thermal energy and hydrogen production with geospatial analysis for the United Arab Emirates
岡島 敬一
藤本 真吾 Research on token trading system applying smart contract based blockchain interworking
面 和成