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リスク工学専攻 2021年度(令和3年度)博士学位論文

氏名 題目 指導教員
MANIT SEAPAN Photovoltaic Module Characterization and Detection of Deterioration by using the Current and Voltage at Maximum Power Point for Module and System Performance Analysis
岡島 敬一
YAO HUA Improving Driver Takeover Performance in Conditionally Automated Driving: Understanding System Limitations, Safety Compensation and Takeover Behaviors
伊藤 誠
尾崎 敏司 A Study on Improvement of User Interface of Information Security Teaching Materials Focusing on Mental Models
古川 宏
田中 孝昌 Research on denoising methods for behavioral data analysis
津田 和彦
原 大樹 Research on Population Estimation in Specific Space Using Social Sensors
津田 和彦
平田 俊明 Research on plant monitoring system using IoT technology
吉田 健一